A quick update on the status of Bear 2.0

Great news. Congrats and thanks to the team!

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Great news and decision. Want to use this beta on a daily basis.

This is amazing news, congrats Bear team! :partying_face:

Congrats team! So happy to see this, as I was just getting enticed to go back to Obsidian. I can’t wait to put my fins on the beta!

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Congrats to the team at Bear! Incredibly excited to give the public beta a spin :grinning:

Sounds great :slight_smile: Looking forward to the release of the beta!

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One weeks time is over 7d since the announcement. Cnt wait to try this out


So excited for this release. I’m constantly refreshing the forum like a crazy person for this update. :sweat_smile:


Will iOS beta be through TestFlight?


Congratulations on reaching this milestone!!

Should feature requests for future versions still be directed to this forum or should the focus here just be for fixes for product release?

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Looking forward to this really hard! :bear:

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I hope so! That’s what I’m looking forward to, right now! :crossed_fingers:t2:

Have there been any updates on the progress for release of public beta? I have to admit, I’ve been checking in daily to see if the public beta has been released. Hope all is on track for a timely release but the end of the suggested 2 week timeline seems to be approaching quickly.

A update would be good to keep our expectations in check.


I’ve just posted an update here → Update on the status of Bear 2.0 the revenge