Cannot drag an Apple Mail message into Panda

I am assuming this is a bug since can perform this behavior.

  1. Open Panda app
  2. Open Apple Mail
  3. In a message header, mouse over until your cursor becomes a hand.
  4. Click and drag the message to Panda

Expected Result:

  • while dragging the cursor shows a + sign.
  • when you release in Panda, you will get a link for the message.

Actual Result:

  • when dragging the cursor shows a + sign.
  • when you release in Panda, nothing is added to the page.


I think you mentioned this problem because the current version of Bear can create links to Mail the way you described. This is not currently implemented, but it will in Bear 2.0 (and possibly also in Panda).


Hi Danilo,

Yes, that is correct. I thought it would have been implemented in Panda already. I look forward to Bear 2.0!