Custom CSS styles for HTML, PDF export and printing

Hope you are planning for addition of custom CSS styles, to be applied for HTML, docx and PDF export as well as printing.

Now I have to save as .texbundle and open in Ulysses to export or print with custom formatting.

Drafts also has easy print/pdf export with custom formatting using standard css, but only for text without images ;(

BTW, will the new resize images reflect on export and print as well?

Please include some standard export/print styles and open up for customization of these.

PS. I changed the default dark theme inside on MacOS to body text set to Georgia 20pt using BBEdit and that worked like a charm :slight_smile: Hopefully export and print styles can be changed as easily …

Hi there,

Thank you for being an active member in the forum, we see you :eyes:!

Regarding the above, there’s no current plan to include custom CSS and export styles in 2.0.

This may be considered later down the line, after the Editor is added into Bear.

Regarding the resizing images question, this has not yet be discussed and decided amongst the team.

Therefore, i’ll pass on this suggestion/question to discuss amongst the team :slight_smile:

Thank you, I fully understand that it’s not on the current agenda.

Anyway – why wait when we now have Shortcuts both on MacOS and iOS :wink:

Made a shortcut to convert Panda image size syntax to Ulysses syntax:
Then print or export to PDF, HTML etc using export styles there (unfortunately tables don’t do well in Ulysses)

Panda to Ulysses - Shortcut

This shortcut extract .panda to .textbundle and 
then converts Panda’s MD image size syntax and 
embedded PDF syntax to Ulysses’ MD syntax. 

Open new file in Ulysses’ External Files: iCloud:/Shortcuts/FromPanda/

Also strips off <!-- “fold”:true --> 
Add other RegEx Replace as needed 🤓

2021-11-20 at 21:50 EST

Thank you for the additional comment, it has also been forwarded onto the team to Bear in mind :slight_smile: