Date Format - ISO

Would love to have a setting to select ISO as the date format. Thanks!


Second this but would be better if we can specify our own preferred date formats.

Jekyll uses yyyy-MM-dd II:mm:ss +0000

RSS+XML uses Wed, 02 Oct 2002 08:00:00 EST

Just as two examples

Holding ⌥ displaying the Format -> Current Date menu allow to insert the ISO 8601 variants of the dates.

That works for inserting only, right?
It does not seem to work for creating new notes with “Date and Time” in the title.

No it doesn’t but sounds like a nice addition for “new note with”.


Definitely! That would be phenomenal! :pray:

Small bug: Current Date with ⌥ and choosing Current Date (ISO 8601) is inserting the date with the time (e.g., 2023-03-24T11:40). I’d expect the date to just be the date. Thanks!

What about iOS and iPad BIU menu button, it would be very nice to be able to have one custom Date/Time.

I use 2023-03-24 at 23:22 (really don’t want the seconds) all the time in most of my notes on Mac with TextExpander, but now TE is not working with B2 on iOS/iPad anymore.

I have gone to iOS/iPad settings for date time, but was only able to change date to ISO, so very difficult to write 2023-03-24 at 23:39 (using: ddt in TE)


The ISO 8601 format for a date includes the seconds but you can Short Date if you just want yyyy-mm-dd.

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May I ask for the yyyy-mm-dd and yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm to be added as options for the “Create New Notes With” on all platforms please?