Dedicated calendar view in bear


I’m going to try that, love Bear too much, haha.

I like your irony :heart:

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Hello folks,

I want to add some considerations from our side.

TLDR: A calendar view is not planned and we think that it’s outside the Bear scope as an app (bonus: this is a very insightful thread on how a “small” feature might not be that small or simple)

@KillerWhale nailed a part of our philosophy in evaluating new features:

We’re trying to keep the data inside Bear as open and accessible as possible and we want Bear to be a tool in your toolbox, not THE tool that does everything.

At the current state of Bear exporting your notes, will only “lose” the tags metadata (pinned status and Tagcon) as they are specific to Bear. Other note apps are actively trying to lock you in, we’re trying to avoid that.

There are plenty more reasons: feature bloat, keeping the app “simple”, etc… But I’m sure you get the idea.

We have a vision for Bear and we’re trying to bend it to include suggestions that make sense for us, but we can’t add everything :wink:


This feature request was discussed among a few users here and there wasn’t an agreement on whether it was worth adding and what it should do. Now imagine being us, having to do the same while trying to make something useful for hundred of thousands of users :slight_smile:

And this thread was only the pitch of a feature, for our team it would be something like:

  1. discuss the pitch and decide if it’s a fit for Bear (and believe me just having the team agree on this it’s HARD)
  2. discuss the UX and the details of the feature (multiple iterations)
  3. have our designers’ team design the UI (multiple iterations, macOS and iOS)
  4. (NEW) discuss the feature with our users on this forum to make it even better
  5. developers need to implement the feature/UI + automated testing
  6. localizing in 13 languages
  7. internal testing
  8. external testing
  9. making a new release (Apple review, release notes, etc…)
  10. writing public documentation (website, FAQ, etc…)
  11. promote the feature via social media

Make it two days per task (in a super optimistic estimate) and it’s already a month’s worth of work for a small feature. I’m just writing this because I know that’s very difficult to understand how much work there is behind Bear (and most apps really) and we’re trying to be as transparent as possible about our workflow.

As usual, thank you all for the time you’re spending with us, your feedback is invaluable (even when it triggers a semi-rant) :heart:


Thanks for sharing that with us, letting us know how you work in detail and what it represents on your end! For us lovers of the app it’s really great to have a little of the inside view and to be able to communicate with you guys in that open, detailed manner! :heart:

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Let me add some words to your statement from my perspective as user: there are apps which you use and there are apps which you love. Bear belongs to the latter group. The love is shown by trying to be a part of development and by respecting what you call the scope of an app. As a user I tend to be selfish: I also have a vision about what bear could be - for me! In the last year I made some requests which you refused an that led to disappointment on my side. To my surprise I learned to live with that and most what I considered enormously important turned out to be a narrow-minded idea. Nevertheless there are few point there I can remain obstinate. Whenever I think deeper about the implementation of a feature that seems to be simple I remark how many side-effects this feature has in relation to the rest of the app and how complex the development of an app could become already on that superficial level. Not to speak about the real development of which you gave an insight in your post. Let me express my respect for you, trix80 and the rest of your team for your hard work and loyalty to your own principles.


Just wanted to confirm that not getting this will not drive me into some kind of frothing-chthonian monster. <3

I respect a decision like this a lot, thank you for taking the time to explain and sticking to your principles. This can be hard in our modern era, but when you put your foot down, you do so, - and you did!

I understand that it wouldn’t be a small thing that the team could put together in a hackathon-weekend, that would have been unreasonable! Also thank you also to @KillerWhale and @krssno for being awesome on this.

My (perhaps unfortunate) need to see my timed notes in an easy way means that I am currently just running a background script to export, and then using a custom Obsidian view to browse things, with a handy little x-callback-url for me to happily come back to Bear to do my actual writing.

Lookin’ forward to more!


Heartbreaking to read, but fair enough. I used to use Bear for everything before I tried Craft and found their Calendar feature absolutely invaluable for making notes that I’ll only ever need to see for a single day (such as saving a ticket for a future date, or writing out thoughts for a phone call. I probably make more daily notes than actual notes). Craft’s lack of security and weird corporate direction is hard to square with though, so occasionally I’ve been checking in on Bear and hoping to see this feature get added to the app I actually want to use. It’s time to give up hope of this ever being a thing :pensive: