Feature: Note Aliases

Continuing the alias discussion from here.

@gnome.irdan , you said:

I’m not even asking to create permanent note aliases but merely to allow for alternate display names for wikilinks. E.g., [[note name|display text]] will be visible as a link saying “display text” but linking to the note “note name”.

I understand the difference between link aliases to notes and adding aliases to a note by setting it in the YAML front matter. I thought you were requesting both alias functions.

I’m just curious. Why only link aliases? What if I want to link an alias to a person’s name across all notes by specifying it once in the note?

Also, you mentioned that you simultaneously use aliases in a bunch of other apps: Logseq, Obsidian, iA Writer. So, if you’re importing/exporting notes between multiple apps, maybe this is really an export format issue?

Lastly, you stated that using note titles would be a problem since the callback URLs wouldn’t change if you decided to change the title of the note. In B2, why wouldn’t a find/replace work on a per-note basis?

find: “open-note?title=old-name”
replace: “open-note?title=new-name”

I’m just trying to help you with some solutions here. However, I’m out of ideas if you have a requirement for constantly changing multiple note titles and aliased links across your library of notes while transferring them back and forth between multiple apps.