Folding bug with complex structure

Testing version:
Version 1.0 (2952)
What were you doing:
In complex folding structure trying to fold several lines of list by keyboard shortcut.
What feature did you use:
What happened:
It folded wrong.
What did you expect to happen:
It folded right.

# Как работает сеть в web3swift
## На примере `FeeHistory`
1. Вызываем метод `feeHistory(blockCount: BigUInt, block: String, percentiles:[Double]) async throws -> Web3.Oracle.FeeHistory`
2. В методе формируем `request` — объект, в котором находятся достаточные для запроса параметры
3. Вызываем метод `web3.dispatch(request) -> JSONRPCresponse` со сформированным реквестом
4. В методе `dispatch` 
5. вызываем `provider.sendAsync(request) -> JSONRPCresponse` 
	1. В методе `sendAsync` вызываем `post<T: Decodable, U: Encodable>(_ request: U, providerURL: URL, session: URLSession) async throws -> T`
		1. В методе `post`
		2. `JSONEncode` request
			1. configure http request
				1. call `func dataFrom(session: URLSession, request urlRequest: URLRequest) async throws -> Data` to resolve request and get response from server
				2. `JSONDecode` response 
				3. Check resonse object for errors
			2. `return JSONRPCresponse`
		3. `return JSONRPCresponse`
	2. `return JSONRPCresponse`

Here’s the pictures of wrong behavior.

Take a look at sendAsync line it didn’t move right.

Hello and thanks for reporting this bug.
I think I need a little more context here, once you selected from 4 to the end of the file then you hit ⇥ (tab), correct?

cmd+alt+ →

sdfalkjsdf;lajsdf;lakjsd;flkjasdl;fkjas;ldfkj (it requires that reply were not less than 20 chars.

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Thanks! I’ll provide a fix as soon as possible.