Image Resizing In Editor?

One of my biggest complaints about Bear has been the lack of tables (no longer :ok_hand:t2:) and the inability to resize images in the editor. I know there is currently a “Show Images As Thumbnails” feature. However, I find them to be either too small or too big.

The resizing doesn’t need to be too visually dynamic. Perhaps there could be a “small, medium, large” option and if it were per photo that would be terrific.


Thanks for the feedback, we’re toying around with different approaches for resizing image I hope to be able to show something soon.


That sounds great. I’ll keep my eye out. :blush:

I totally agree. I would love to be able to set a default size at least.

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Nothing too fancy is required. After all, Bear is awesome because Bear is simple. All we need is a simple corner handle to resize the image.

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Agreed, would love to see something simple. I have a lot of images in my Bear notes. Many are either too big or like @jamesredd mentioned, too small if using thumbnail option.

I’m looking to try and move from Evernote to Bear and one of the problems I’ve noticed is that lots of images in Bear are very large and there’s no way to resize them - this occurs when clipping web pages.

While this suggestion wouldn’t be a “fix” for my problem - it would help

Resizing images has been already implemented in this years’ panda update. :slight_smile:

Hi there,

As @Eleanor mentioned, this feature (resizing) has already been added to Panda to test.

If you give it a go, let us know what you think!

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thanks just started using Bear excellent tool, where can I find how to do that, perhaps a user guide, so that I can find more information if needed?

Thank you!

Do you mean image resizing? It’s available in Bear 2 beta only and can be done by dragging the bottom right corner arrow that appears when you hover the image.

Thank you I am running 1.9.6 and couldn’t find it, have requested access to Bear 2 beta!

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Is this feature currently available on iOS or just MacOS?

Both, on iOS you need to long-press the image and select resize. Unfortunately long-press on images can cause a crash with the current build but we’ll ship an update soon.

Thanks for the quick response!

When I press on the image, I can’t see a resize option though…

I see a share menu, save to photos etc. and an annotate option.

You don’t get this menu?

I get this…

Is the option to resize within one of these menus?

You have to long press to provoke the menu

Sorry Eleanor, where is the “provoke” menu?

I was trying to say to access the menu,
but actually @trix180 the app crash when I try to long-press on iPadOS or iOS.