只读模式,自由修改时间,关联和搜索(Read-only mode, free time modification, association and search)

三:[[ ]] 添加关联笔记时候,能不能扩大搜索范围到全文,而不是只能在标题中搜索和关联。因为往往我只记得一个模糊的词语,而不记得标题名字,所以扩大搜索范围可以添加关联更方便。而不再需要在写作中返回-搜索-复制笔记链接-粘贴。


Common devices: iOS
One: I would like to be able to add read-only mode. Added the ability to modify the creation time and modify the time.
Now in use, I accidentally call out the keyboard, if I accidentally touch the key again, the original time will change, I often use the creation/modification time to retrospect the memory, if it is modified, I will be troubled by this.
Two: I want to have a strict timeline search mode, now the search will prioritize matching titles, which is sorted by match, and I want to add a creation timeline search pattern.
Three: [[ When adding associated notes, can you expand the search scope to the full text, instead of only searching and linking in the title. Because I tend to remember only a vague word, not the title name, it’s easier to expand my search and add associations. And no more returning-searching-copying, note-linking-pasting in writing.

Finally, thank you very much for your efforts, because I am a Chinese user, so I use translation software, there may be some problems with the expression, please understand and forgive.