Templates In Bear

@MrMentos You might know this allready, but alternatively, you could use the native text-replacement feature that part of MacOS and iOS to create a template. With this method you can stay within Bear, and you don’t even have to leave the current note you’re working on to look for a template-note. Should you be interested, here’s how it works:

  1. In Bear, create a template note, including formatting and tagging.
  2. In Bear, select the contents of the note (CMD-a) and copy (CMD-c).
  3. Go to the Apple menu and choose System preferences > Keyboard > Text replacements.
  4. In the new window, klick on te + sign to add a new line.
  5. Paste (CMD-v) the copied text into the right field (green arrow) and fill in the keystroke you’d like to use (red arrow). In my case; typing ‘boeksam’ triggers a template to a book summary.
  6. Hit ‘save’, return to Bear, test the feature and watch the magic unfold.

Be aware: setting this up only works on MacOS. For some reason the text replacement menu on iOS does nor accept a multi-line text input. Once set up though, this will work on every device. (Text replacements are synced! :beers:) Also, this of course will not work with images.

The beauty: With this method you can leave your fingers ons the keyboard without leaving the current note or switching to other applications. Zero friction. :surfing_man:t3: