What happens to my Bear Beat database once Bear 2 hits the shop floor?

There are numerous areas of work and leisure that I keep in Bear. With Bear Beta testing I enjoy the new features, try to provide feedback as well as continue with my work - storing all in the Beta database.

What will happen once Bear 2 arrives? Will all the work that I have accumulated in Bear Beta be available with Bear 2?

This is quite crucial as alongside playing with BearBeta I need to get loads of stuff done.

I am happy to compromise the non-sync of Beta for a time, to utilize other tools (apple Notes if need be) for my syncing between iPhone and iPad, however, ultimately all comes together in my Bear on Mac.

So, I can rely on that all work accumulated in Bear Betaa will merge into the Bear 2 database. Correct ?

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I actually found this question irrelevant.

There is no chance to do any serious work with Bear Beta as any link I open, takes me to the Bear 1 database.

This is not a complaint and it is quite natural for this to happen. Thus, Beta is for experimenting, trying, checkig, enjoying. For serious work one has to wait for the real Bear 2.

Yes, we don’t suggest using Bear 2 beta for your everyday job and we don’t plan to merge B1 and B2 databases at launch. We can’t guarantee beta bugs won’t compromise your work because we are in the process of fixing them and generally speaking, I don’t suggest relying on any beta software for your work.


Following up -

I agree ‘merging’ could have all sorts of complications, but should we expect to be able to stay with the beta data? I stopped using Bear 1 (on phone/ipad) and can live without while in Beta in the hopes of just staying with this data.

Excluding eventual beta bugs, yes.

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