# Welcome to the [Editor 2.0 Alpha](https://bear.app/alpha/) The rest of Bear isn’t here yet. We’re just finishing some major new features for the Editor *inside* of Bear. We’d love to hear your [feedback](https://beta.bear.app/c/feedback/5) and [bug reports](https://beta.bear.app/c/bug-reports/6). ## What’s new So far, we have: ​ * ::Tables!:: * Animated GIFs (click them to animate) * ~***styles*** nesting~ and CommonMark * Footnotes^[Yep. This is a footnote! :)] * Right-to-left ***language*** support * Better code blocks * and more! To help us test the new features, use the toolbar at the top of this window. Feel free to edit this note or create a new one with `File > New (​⌘N)`. You can recover this note any time with `Help > Open Welcome Note` This is a work in progress, and we’d love to hear your thoughts. ## Important links | Share your feedback | [feedback forum](https://beta.bear.app/c/feedback/5) | |---------------------|----------------------| | Report a bug | [bug forum](https://beta.bear.app/c/bug-reports/6) | | Alpha test page | [bear.app/alpha/](https://bear.app/alpha/) | | Twitter | [@BearNotesApp](https://twitter.com/BearNotesApp) | | Reddit | [/r/BearApp](https://www.reddit.com/r/bearapp/) | ```js javascript:window.location='bear://x-callback-url/add-text?id=E47CBDE4-5097-4200-A165-B9B1C5256CE4-12393-000039974D9DDB7E&mode=prepend&open_note=yes&new_window=yes&show_window=yes&text=*%20%5B'+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'%5D%28'+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'%29' ``` ```py filtered = map(lambda x: x.lower(), filter(lambda x: x.isalnum(),s)) #get only alpha and numeric and convert it to lower case filtered=filter(lambda x:x.isalnum() or x=='.' or x=='-' or x==' ' or x=='+', s).lstrip().rstrip().lstrip('-').lstrip('+'); #any a = any(x<0 for x in lst) #return True or False ``` ```swift class LoginViewController: UIViewController { let loginPresenter: LoginPresenter init(loginPresenter: LoginPresenter) { self.loginPresenter = loginPresenter } [...] } ``` - [x] fasdfasd - [ ] sadfafdsa - [ ] sdfasfas - [ ] fsdafdas - [ ] dsfasdfasf > dasfdsfadsf > dfsafdsf > asdfsdfsfa dsfasdfsadklfsadjkfl asdflsdal;fj sd;alf jsadf;jlk > afsad > fasdf This is a footnote.^[Hear me roar!] ## Thoughts Couple things: I’ve been writing in markup pretty much exclusively for over ten years. I’ve tried a million apps, and strongly prefer more minimalist apps. My main apps are a mix of Bear, nvULTRA beta, Multimarkdown Composer, and 1Writer. I also do some stuff in Sublime, The Archive, and Ulysses, but only in specific circumstances. Bug: As I was writing the list below, something happened at “8. Footnotes” and the app started seriously lagging. It was at this point, creating the “8.” where Panda would no longer create an OL automatically so I had to create it manually. Hopefully I can include this file for y'all to look into. I have no idea how this is possible, but I messed around and there’s no lag above this paragraph. But this paragraph and everything below is laggy. I’ve never seen anything like this in any text editor, so hooray for an interesting bug!! Oh and since this probably matters, the lag happened in the list below, then I came up and added this paragraph below the “couple things” paragraph above. 1. Headlines * I really don’t like the new headline icon. Super confusing and takes way more time to parse than H3 or whatever. Also once it gets to H4-H6 there’s no way to know what’s going on. Not a fan at all. * I strongly preferred the headline markup/icon being outside the left justification. I think it’s overall a much cleaner way to present the markup. 2. Lists - UL * Same as headlines, I prefer the markup being outside the left justification * I **LOVE** how bullets etc are immediately deleted rather than having to delete spaces and tabs etc. Seems much snappier. * Also nice that the bullet just deletes instead of being “converted” to an asterisk first * Love * The * Different * Bullets points at different levels!!!!!!!!!!! 3. Lists - OL 1. Same stuff as for UL 2. Would love to see different styling at various levels like with bullets 1. I think alphanumeric (1. A. 1. a.) would be best but decimal (1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, etc) would be fine and probably less confusing 4. Inline styling * Nesting is ***working great*** * Love the new implementation of **bold** and *italic* keyboard shortcuts. Works exactly like it should IMO. I hate hitting ⌘B the second time and having the word(s) become unstyled. This drives me batty. 5. **Thank you thank you thank you** for embracing CommonMark! 6. Thanks for improving code blocks. Quickly tested for Swift, js, and py and it looks good. The actual syntax highlighting looks the same, but colors are better as far as I can tell. 7. Todos * Seem to work fine. I rarely use them though. * Dragging items is a bit janky. Can only drag to same level. It would be nice to be able to drag level 3 to level 2 or level 1 to level 3, etc 8. Footnotes * Seems to be working fine * Would love to see the footnotes included at the bottom too or somewhere more visible * * I wouldn’t want to do anything with a lot of footnotes using this method * At the very least the textbox needs to be bigger. A small single line is fine for URL which 99.999% of the time is gonna be pasted, but footnotes aren’t only pasted citations… and having to type and format the footnote’s text in the editor, then cut and paste into the window wouldn’t work for me personally * Pasting the footnotes bullets from another app made two bullets show up at once and made the lag even worse. Also has this funky indent going now 9. Table creation seems fine. I don’t use tables much in M↓ but this is already the best implementation I’ve used as far as I can remember. I’ve generally had to use TextExpander snippets and stuff like that to make it work in the past. With this editor I may start using them more if I’m honest. 10.