Apple Scribble proposed spellings

Testing version:
Panda.Writer 0.1 (1650) in iPadOS 14.4.2
What were you doing:
Write with Apple Scribble just to see how Panda behaves.
What feature did you use:
Hand writing recognition while in the editor.
What happened:
When Apple Scribble detects multiple possibilities for the hand writing for a word then it is underlined with blue dotted line. Tapping with a with a finger in the word would reveal the possible spelling. In panda, tapping on the word just put the cursor beginning or end of the word.
What did you expect to happen:
As on the current Bear I expect that tapping with a finger on a word underlined with dotted blue line would pop-up the list of possible spelling recognized by Apple Scribble.

As of build #2595, this is still an issue. I uploaded a Screenshot of current Bear where the list of suggestions is correctly displayed when tapping on a word with blue d’scortinned line.

Hi there Bara,

Unfortunately this is an Apple issue, we’re unsure why it’s occurring but thanks for letting us know!

Hello @TedwardBear, do you still think the issue is from. Apple API. Many apps (obsidian, noteshelf 3) have it working fine.