Bear 2 beta update

Hey everyone!
If you have received the Bear 2 private beta, thank you for the feedback provided so far on notes migration, Editor, and bugs. If you have not received the beta yet, we will incrementally send it to more people but we have to do this in small batches at first to better handle note migration issues. Bear 2 copies and convert all of your existing notes to our new Markdown format, and edge cases during the migration are many so it’s essential for us to tackle all of them.

We are shipping another beta update today that should handle most of the migration issues reported so far. Once you receive the last update please export any new notes since you began the beta, quit Bear 2, and delete this folder in Finder: ~/Library/Group Containers/ Data v2/ to restart the migration from Bear 1. Please notice the V2 at the folder name, another folder named Application Data is your Bear 1 data folder. The update will be available via in-app notification or the Bear > Check For Updates... menu.

At the end of the migration please look for any inconsistency in your notes and Sidebar tags.
From now on please provide feedback using topics here on the beta forum.


Small correction: You can check for updates under Bear > Check For Updates, not File > Check For Updates...

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Great update! A lot of the issues I reported previously were fixed for me: *** creates separators again, dropping images no longer seems to bug out, import of date tags (like #2022/10/07) got fixed – they are now imported properly.

If I understand correctly, we should simply create new threads in the open forum now for bugs and suggestions?

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Correct, feel free to open topics about the beta.

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Thanks, I edited my post.

I did not receive the beta invitation. :cry:
Is there something I missed and need to do in order to get the beta?

You might get a private message, once a new spot is open. Right now only a few people are testing the current beta version.

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Of course. That makes sense.


It’ great !
I was testing Panda on iOS but i don’t have the link to test Bear Beta on Mac, is it possible to get it ?

To receive a beta invite, is it enough to just have an account on this beta forum? Or do I have to be in the mailing list? Do I have to have an active Bear subscription? I’d love to test once spots open up.

I’ve been on the beta train of panda and a paid user of bear for a long time now, do I have to register again to access bear 2 beta ?

I really want to try it out :slight_smile:

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I would like to be part of the beta, please!

I use bear daily, but for most markdown I’ve been using sublime since I’ve been doing that for years. Would love to be able to finally swap to bear completely with new tables and the markdown standard applied!

I would love to help during the testing phase of Bear 2. Still a very satisfied Bear 1 user, but can’t wait to get all the new features coming.

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So how do I sign up for the beta?

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Hi! I have marked everybody here who requested the beta here for the next batch. At the moment We want to solve migration issues that emerged with the next update before inviting more people.


It would be great if you could add me as well - thanks so much!

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Sorry for jumping in. If possible, could you add me to the beta list? I also want to help this great project :blush:

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Ditto, I’d love to be added to the beta list for Bear 2. I’m a longtime Bear user and have been watching these forums for a long time looking forward to the release!

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