Bear for Web App updates

Sadly, Bear on Mac OS has been limited by my corporate overlords due to its dependence on iCloud Drive. The option is now greyed out on my daily driver, a work-issued Macbook Pro. The web option would bring back Bear to replace Apple Notes once again. Or at least limit it. :wink:

I’m still using the apps on my iPad and iPhone, but do we know if there’s a timeline for the Bear web app to be released?

And thank you, this is a great app, and I want to keep using it!

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Bear 2 editor core is built to work natively on both iOS, macOS, and the Web.
Part of the development of Bear web proceeds in parallel with the native version while another team is working on cloud kit web integration, UX, and other web-specific functionalities. The editor’s core, with the exception of footnotes and some minor addition, is stable and pretty much ready for prime time. The rest require some months of development and polish.


Wow. This is great news. I thought for sure Bear for web was a dream.