Note list search doesn't return results from images and PDFs

Testing version:
Version 2.0 (9652)

What were you doing:
Searching with Cmd+Shift+F

What happened:
Text from photos and PDFs wasn’t found.

What did you expect to happen:
I expected notes containing the search text in images or PDFs to appear in search results.

Only in-note search seems to look through PDFs and images right now. As you’d typically try to identify the note where you placed a specific image or PDF, I believe this to be unintended behavior. (Most people’s notes aren’t very long and would contain only a few PDFs and images, so only exposing this feature within in-note search makes little sense.)

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This one is answered in one of the reddit post.

The OCR that will be released in the beta will not work across the whole database (note search) but this is something we want to test at some point. OCR operations are onerous in terms of CPU usage so we have to explore when scanning attachments and use some level of caching to have a performing search.


Ah, thanks. :slight_smile: I really hope this is implemented sooner rather than later then.