Panda feedback: em dash, drag-and-drop lists, and fewer-click folding

Some feedback about Panda on mac:

  1. In Bear if I write down a quote, I like to attribute it to who said it at the end. I don’t use “-” because that converts to a bullet point or a checkbox, so I use “–” which gets converted to a em dash “—” which works great! In Panda, if I type “–” it goes straight to a line separator. I wish I could still type “–” for an em dash and have “—” be line separator, that way I still have a convenient way to attribute quotes without having to type “-” because I always forget to do that.

  2. Dragging and dropping headers is cool, but it’s especially awesome that if you fold a header, you can drag and drop the whole section. I wish I could drag and drop individual list items, whether it’s a bullet point list of a checkbox list.

  3. Folding sections are so super cool!!! I wish it took less clicks to achieve folding on mac. It takes 2 clicks right now, or even 3 if I miss when I try to click the invisible header button the first time. I wonder if there’s a way to get to it in one click.


+1 for dragging list items

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I don’t know if it is because I am doing copy and paste, but number 1 of your request works fine for me? :thinking:
Also, for Mac you can use ⌘ + ’ for keyboard shortcut for toggles!

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I don’t know if it is because I am doing copy and paste, but number 1 of your request works fine for me? :thinking:

Yep, copy paste works fine for me, it’s the typing that causes an issue! Wrote more about it here: Incosistent “- -” to “–” em dash behavior

Also, for Mac you can use ⌘ + ’ for keyboard shortcut for toggles!

Woahhhh I totally didn’t notice that shortcut! Thank you!

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