View jumps to end of note when adding a row in a large table

Testing version:
Version 2.0 (9969)

What were you doing:
I was adding rows to se what happens with a great amount of rows in a table to see if there are any limits. When the number of rows got to about 20 the view suddenly jumped to the bottom of the note. I used keyboard shortcuts as well as the context menu.

What feature did you use:

What happened:
When the number of rows got to about 20 the view suddenly jumped to the bottom of the note.

What did you expect to happen:
The view should stay with the cursor within the table.

This is not supposed to happen but I need some more context to simulate this bug, for example the macOS release you are running might be useful. Have you done some editing on the welcome note other than adding the rows? If this is the case, please send me the note itself exported as .bear.
Are you using Bear in an external window in the video?

I’m have Ventura 13.1 (beta) on a MacBook Air M1 2020.

I have done a few edits, will try to send file in DM.
Edit: As the file type is not permitted here is a shared page containing the file:

I’m unsure what you mean by external window so here is a new recording from today:

Apparently there needs to be about 50 rows, not 20 as I mentioned in OP.

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How can I make video screenshots that shows the keys I type at the bottom like in your video?

I use CleanShot for this, one of my most used tools actually. :slight_smile:

Actually, just got this link from them in my mail (no, this is not an affiliate link):

Thank you for the link! :hugs:

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